Theatrical General Management Services
As your GM, I customarily:
Create multiple drafts of detailed Production budgets, showing how much money you will need to raise
Create multiple drafts of detailed Operating budgets, showing how much it will cost to run the show on a weekly basis and break even
Create multiple recoupment scenarios, showing how many weeks it will take to recoup your production expenses based on differing percentages of Capacity Gross
Negotiate most of the creative contracts on your behalf as per the budget we have agreed upon- actors, director, designers, casting agent, etc.
Negotiate your theater contract
Hire the crew needed to operate the show
If needed, provide recommendations for a wide variety of support staff- lawyer, press agent, stage manager, advertising agency, insurance broker, casting agent, wardrobe supervisor, etc.
Supervise and oversee the programming of your box office
Bind adequate insurance for the show
Oversee the payroll for the show
Oversee all banking for the show
Oversee the payment of all bills for the show
Oversee the payment of the show’s taxes
Calculate and send out weekly royalties
Send out monthly accounting statements
Calculate and place bonds with various theatrical unions
Issue return of capital distributions when profits warrant
…among many other functions too numerous to itemize!